Although Washington D.C. remained fairly peaceful throughout Donald Trump’s inauguration, at least two hundred people were arrested for crimes related to damaging property and inciting violence – and among them were a number of journalists.

According to city ordinance, if a riot breaks out that results in serious injury or damage that exceeds $5,000, law enforcement can arrest “every person who willfully incited or urged others to engage in the riot” and charge them with felony rioting.  However, many are now claiming that D.C. police simply rounded up everyone in the vicinity of damage being done to a Starbucks and Bank of America, regardless of their affiliation with the vandals.

They arrested everyone in a single location including reporters, lawyers, law students and non-riotous protesters,” Mark Goldstone, a lawyer representing about 50 of those arrested told reporters.

“They basically identified a location that had problems and arrested everyone in that location.”

At least six journalists are claimed to be among those charged with felony rioting, which faces a potential penalty of up to ten years in prison and a $25,000 fine.

Three NBC journalists as well as some others were allowed to leave the corralled group police took into custody.  According to them, police officers told them that their names had been provided by their superiors as members of the press.  Others attempted to present their press credentials to dispute their detainment, but were processed nonetheless.

Tim Pool, founding member of VICE news, was among those released by law enforcement without charges, and he took to Reddit to answer questions regarding the situation on Wednesday.

When asked by a commenter if he felt he had been treated fairly by police on the scene, Pool responded, “I would.  This was one of the first times an officer talked to people being arrested.”