We have all been there, right?  On the range, trying to dial in a new weapon.  Wishing we didn’t have to radio back and forth on the exact location of the impact on target.  Or, having to look through the eyepiece and figure it out from 200 yards.  Or making the long trek downrange from the firing line.

Well, Vortex Optics, along with Hornady ammunition company, have teamed up to offer just the solution for you!  Imagine a rifle round with a mounted camera in the tip that will feed a video back to your tablet or phone in real time, so that you can see the impact of your round on target. 

Check out the video, if you don’t believe me. 

The optical system is “absolutely centered” on the round, they tell us.  They have redesigned the “propellent burn characteristics” to optimize flight path, they state.  It is “incredibly intuitive” operating the bullet-cam, they claim.

You can even slow the feed down frame-by-frame to view your round’s trajectory, see the impact, or “confirm your kill.”  Then you can share all your shots directly on social media, via the “VTX Cloud!”

And it’s all available for only $99.99 for a box of ten!  “The force of optics just got more forceful,” indeed, as the narrator tells us at the end of the video.

Wow.  Just wow.  It seems almost too good to be true, right?