For those aspiring Special Operations candidates out there, as they finish their workout today in preparing for Selection (you can find it right here). Here is another challenge for you to pledge some time and effort for a really good cause, while you just add to your preparation time in getting ready to go to the Selection.

The good folks at GO RUCK are running their second annual fundraiser with “Pets For Patriots” and by pledging to do some mileage under a rucksack, preferably with your dog if you have one and buying some of the shirts and patches that they’re offering, then 100 percent of the proceeds will go through Java Forever, GORUCK’s 501(c)(3) non-profit. GORUCK will publish the donation amount upon completion of this virtual fundraiser. And all of it goes to the “Pets For Patriots” project.

From their website, Pets For Patriots gives the gifts of fidelity, joy and love to both veteran and pet through companion animal adoption. Their mission is like no other because they are serving the men and women of the most extraordinary military of the most exceptional nation in the world.

Everything Pets For Patriots does is with a vision to end animal homelessness in the United States while giving military veterans and their families the greatest “thank you” of all: the extraordinary love of a companion pet.

GoRuck has run some excellent fundraisers in the past, a couple of us here, took part in the Rucking for the Green Beret Foundation last fall. They raised quite a bit of money for the folks who so much for our warriors. Now, this fundraiser helps not only veterans but gets dogs in need of a good home, the link-up with families in the military community.

We are all dog lovers in this house, and we have a rescue English Bulldog who is attached to my hip 24/7. If you’ve read some of my earlier rucking posts, you see she was mentioned quite often last spring/summer/fall whenever I was out with the ruck. With the onset of winter here in the Northeast, she’s been on hiatus, but it is time to for both myself and the dog to begin hitting the trails together.

Of course, as I’m saying this, the dog is pushing the mouse to the shorter distance to pledge….slacker. LOL

You can pledge 10 miles, 25 miles, 50 miles, 75 miles or go for the gusto and pledge 100 miles for the cause. For the aspiring SOF Candidates, you guys should pledge at a minimum of 75! (Just kidding, anything is appreciated) It is all on the honor system, you complete the mileage and adjust your own weight…they recommend 25-30 pounds, but being the good SOF ruckers we know that it is always 45-pounds minus food and water…right?

So,  add some extra mileage to your SOF Preparation workouts and get the rucks back on for a great cause. Be sure to follow our workout guidelines for rucking and make sure you hydrate…and break in those spare boots. And if you guys are on social media, ensure you tag your posts with #RuckYourDog2018 so that the guys there at GoRuck can keep up with the action. Take a picture of you and your workout partner while out on the trail and we’ll do the same.

We are due for a foot of snow or more today, with some estimates as high as 20 inches here in the Northeast….so I guess my workout partner better get started before it gets a bit too deep and our footing gets slippery.

Keep us informed of your progress and we’ll post updates as well.

Happy Rucking! DOL

Photos: Courtesy of GoRuck Fundraiser