The Navy SEAL + SWCC Scout Team identifies and engages high-quality potential SEAL and SWCC candidates, informs them of a career in Naval Special Warfare, and assists them with the recruiting process.

Physically prepare to the best of your ability in advance of BUD/S. If you arrive already making competitive scores versus minimum standards, you’ll be in a much better position to successfully complete training and become a Navy SEAL.

The Physical Screening Test, or PST, is designed to test your overall physical readiness to participate in the rigorous Naval Special Warfare or special operations training pipelines.

Remember, everyone who has entered BUD/S passed the PST to get there, and more than half of them didn’t finish.

Points of performance


You must perform the test using either a side stroke or a breast stroke.


Must be performed with a straight back and feet and hands in contact with the deck at all times. No slouching
allowed; proper form must be strictly maintained.


Sit on the floor with your knees bent approximately 90 degrees. Cross your arms in front of you with fingertips touching your shoulders. Exercise through the full range of motion. Again, proper form must be strictly maintained.


Grip pull-up bar with palms facing away from you. Hands are to be shoulder width apart. Do not swing, kick, or bicycle to assist. Make sure you go all the way up (chin above bar) then ALL THE WAY DOWN.

SEAL Physical Screening Test (PST) minimum requirements 

SWIM 500 YDS. side stroke/breast stroke
12:30 min
PUSH-UPS (within 2 min)
Rest 2 minutes
SIT-UPS (within 2 min)
Rest 2 minutes
PULL-UPS (no time limit)
Rest 10 minutes
1.5 MILE RUN 11:00 min