Israeli Security forces killed a Palestinian man on Thursday in the West Bank after he attacked them, an IDF spokeswoman said. The dead man was identified as Yassin al-Saradih, 33, who attacked Jewish soldiers with an iron bar during a demonstration in Jericho, officials stated.

Saradih was shot and arrested as surveillance video shows IDF soldiers kicking him as he was being led away.

Saradih also tried to seize a soldier’s weapon, according to the army spokeswoman.

The security camera footage does not clearly show an attempt to snatch a weapon.

The soldiers also later found a knife in Saradih’s possession, the spokeswoman added.

The soldiers entered Jericho on Thursday morning to arrest Palestinians wanted by the security services, according to the IDF’s Twitter account.

Ismail al-Masri, Saradih’s brother-in-law, told the official Palestinian Authority news site Wafa that “the soldiers beat Yassin in every part of his body, especially his stomach and back.”

PLO Prisoners Commission chairman Essa Qaraqaa slammed the security forces for killing Saradih.

“This is a crime, an execution and a premeditated murder,” he said in comments published on Wafa. “What happened reflects the brutality and terrorism of those soldiers.”

The Israeli military’s statement said that their troops acted responsibly. “In response to the immediate threat, the troops fired toward the assailant and confronted him from close range and were able to stop him,” the military said.

“A knife was also found in his possession. Troops evacuated him to a hospital to receive medical treatment. His death was later announced. The incident is being reviewed.”

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