Time to head over to the gym for some shoulder and back work. As we mention in a post shortly, these shoulder workouts help in rucking and once in Selection. Be sure to log the progress down in your workout log book.

And because Wednesday is rucking day, get the rucksack with 45-pound minimum weight ready for a 6-miler over varied terrain. Wear your second pair of boots to ensure that they’re well broken-in for the course as well. Strive to better the time that is the standard and remember to hydrate throughout the march.


More Preparation for the UBRR:

3 x 12 Lat Pulldowns, behind the neck (go as heavy as possible)

3 x 12 Lat Pulldowns, front

3 x 10 Dumbbell Side Raises

3 x 10 Dumbbell Front Raises

3 x 10 Dumbbell Arnold Press

3 x 8 Shoulder Shrugs

6-mile Rucksack march (45-pound minimum)

Stretch well after completion