Shoulder work in the gym is how our Wednesday will begin along with some speed work. The sprints will help with your overall cardio fitness, build some explosion and will serve you well with your endurance. It is also a functional part of your job in Special Operations. There will be plenty of times where you’ll have to sprint short distances with your gear on. It will test you in a different manner than a distance run. This sprinting system is one that some NFL teams use to increase their speed, explosion, and endurance.


More Preparation for the UBRR:

3 x 12 Lat Pull downs, behind the neck (go as heavy as possible)

3 x 12 Lat Pull downs, front

3 x 10 Dumbbell Side Raises

3 x 10 Dumbbell Front Raises

3 x 10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press

3 x 8 Shoulder Shrugs

40-Meter Sprint, walk back to the starting point

50-Meter Sprint, walk back to the starting point

60-Meter Sprint, walk back to the starting point

70-Meter Sprint, walk back to the starting point

80-Meter Sprint, walk back to the starting point

90-Meter Sprint, walk back to the starting point

100-Meter Sprint, walk back to the starting point

Stretch well after completion