So, a good way to begin Tuesday is head to the gym for Leg Day. This is a very important day in our preparation training as it builds up that lower body and core strength that will be so important in the Selection course and beyond.  Begin with pull-ups and a rope climb if you have access to climbing ropes. Then squats, lunges, deadlifts and the sled followed by a three-mile run.

Building up the legs will definitely help to tote that rucksack.

UBRR Training:

Continue to prep for the UBRR

3 x Pullups 10 reps or muscle failure

2 x Rope climb (if available)

3 x Squat 20-15-12 reps (lighter weight)

3 x Goblet Squats 20-15-12 reps (lighter weight)

3 x 10 Deadlifts

4 x Sled push with a heavier weight or substitute a Fireman’s Carry

3 x 10 reps Kip Ups

3 x 20 Side Planks

3-Mile run (24 minutes or less)

Stretch well after completion