Thursday morning is a Chest and Triceps workout at the gym before heading out for a 5-mile run. Flat and Incline Bench Presses as well as Flies, Pushups, Pushdowns, and Dips ought to have your triceps feeling the pump. Then a 5-mile run over varied terrain in 40 minutes or less. (Be safe out there today, conditions are far from ideal)

UBRR Preparation Training:

More Preparation for the UBRR:

3 x 12 Bench Press

3 x 10 Dumbbell Flies

3 x 10 Dumbbell Incline press

3 x 20 Pushups (alternate sets with wide, narrow and shoulder width)

3 x 10 V Ups

3 x 20 Sit-ups

3 x 20 Cable Push Downs (rope)

3 x 20 Dips or until muscle failure

5-mile run (40 minutes maximum)

Stretch well after completion