The Global Special Operations Forces Foundation is holding a networking reception among Special Operations professionals in San Diego on April 5th. San Diego is home of the Navy’s and Marine Corps Special Operations Commands and will feature a keynote speaker, Captain Keith Davids, the Deputy Commander of the Naval Special Warfare Command.

Davids a graduate of BUDS/SEAL Training Class 177 in 1991, will speak about the path of future operations for the command. The affair is expected to draw attendees from not only the US Special Operations professionals but from several of our allied countries forces as well.

This San Diego networking reception was a logical addition to the Global SOF Foundation’s event calendar. The greater San Diego area is home to several SOF commands, including Naval Special Warfare Command (NSW) and units from Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC). The abundance of active and retired members of the military has led many defense-focused businesses, small and large, to root themselves in San Diego. These factors, coupled with the views and weather, made Coronado Island the prime location for a networking reception.

As Global SOF Foundation President Stu Bradin said at the Global SOF Symposium in February, “GSF events are all about connecting people.” While GSF receptions are focused heavily on networking opportunities, this event will also feature a keynote speaker. Capt. Keith Davids, the Deputy Commander of NSW, will provide remarks to the audience, focusing on NSW’s approach to the future of special operations

Retired LTC Bradin created the foundation after his retirement from USSOCOM to connect and convene the global Special Operations Forces (SOF) community at multiple annual events across the United States and Europe. They hold multiple symposiums during the year both in the US and in Europe.

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Photo courtesy DOD