President Donald Trump is moving forward with his instructions for the Pentagon to ban transgender troops and is reportedly sending guidance to the Pentagon according to official government sources. The Wall Street Journal was the first to break the news.

According to the guidance that will be sent to the military service chiefs, is that the military is to stop admitting transgender troops. For troops already in the service, the Pentagon must consider a service member’s ability to deploy when determining whether or not to expel them from the service. The guidance will also contain a proviso for the Pentagon to stop paying for transgender troops’ medical regimens.

It is not clear if the memo is finalized. The Pentagon said in a statement Wednesday night that it “has not received formal guidance from the White House as a follow-up to the Commander-in-Chief’s announcement on military service by transgender personnel.”

“The (Defense) Department continues to focus on our mission of defending our nation and ongoing operations against our foes, while ensuring all service members are treated with respect,” the statement read.

The Pentagon said it would provide an update when the formal guidance is announced.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, responded to The Wall Street Journal’s report with a tweet Wednesday night: “This is NOT how you keep America safe. Period. #ProtectTransTroops.”

To read the entire article from CNN, click here:

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