Well we have all (most of us) been anticipating this movie release for quite some time. Quite a few pictures have been released from the set and I have to say that I’m very impressed at how the actors are playing the part. Eric Bana (played a Delta operator in Black Hawk Down), Emile Hirsch, and Mark Wahlberg look the part. Thanks to the folks over at OneHeadlightInk.com for publishing these! Enjoy:

Mark Wahlberg playing Marcus Luttrell

Mark Wahlberg as Marcus Luttrell

Emile Hirsch (left) playing Danny Dietz and Eric Bana (right) playing Erik Kristensen

Emile Hirsch (left) playing Danny Dietz and Eric Bana (right) playing Erik Kristensen

Dan Bilzerian (left) playing Dan Healy and Jerry Angelo (right) playing as of now an unidentified SEAL

Dan Bilzerian (left) playing Dan Healy and Jerry Angelo (right) playing as of now an unidentified SEAL