For decades, landmines have plagued battlefields, defying traditional clearing methods. From the perilous work of bomb disposal units to the limitations of metal detectors and mechanized flailing, the US Army has a long history of grappling with these hidden threats.

However, the US Army is forging a path forward with a revolutionary concept – the Ground Obstacle Breaching Lane Neutralizer (GOBLN) system – that promises to redefine how soldiers tackle minefields.

GOBLN’s Genius: Precision and Protection

GOBLN prioritizes soldier safety by employing remote detection and neutralization. This three-pronged system boasts a mortar launcher mounted on a secure vehicle platform, a high-tech drone-based detection system for pinpoint accuracy, and a specially designed munition to neutralize the mine.

Imagine this: a soldier, safely positioned within the armored vehicle, utilizes the drone to identify a landmine. Real-time data from the drone feeds into the GOBLN’s targeting system, ensuring the mortar round strikes with precision.

The munition itself is no ordinary explosive. Engineered to deliver a targeted blow, it can cripple the mine’s fuse with forceful impact or trigger a controlled detonation.

In the ideal scenario, the munition disrupts the mine and causes it to burn out, minimizing collateral damage and creating a safe passage.

Targeted Approach, Tested Mettle

Recent trials at the Yuma Test Center put the GOBLN through its paces, the service reported in mid-April.

The primary focus? Assessing the munition’s effectiveness in eliminating or disabling various mine types. Mortars were fired upon a testbed of mines, with researchers meticulously analyzing the damage to refine the GOBLN system.

This data-driven approach allows engineers to optimize the munition’s design and the launcher’s targeting capabilities.

Every test, every successful neutralization, brings the GOBLN system closer to real-world deployment.

A Look Ahead: More Than Just a Mine Neutralizer

The GOBLN system isn’t a standalone solution; it’s a crucial piece of a larger puzzle.

The US Army is actively developing next-generation technologies to address the ever-evolving threats on the battlefield.

As Army Futures Command Capabilities Developer Shawn Anders emphasizes:

“We’re not just looking at today’s capabilities. We’re looking ahead, forecasting the needs of the next 10, 20 years.”

While the immediate benefit lies in battlefield dominance, the GOBLN system’s potential extends far beyond traditional warfare.

The technology’s core functionalities – remote detection, precise neutralization, and minimal collateral damage – hold immense value for humanitarian demining efforts.

Partnering with NGOs and international organizations, the US Army could leverage the GOBLN system to expedite landmine clearance in post-conflict zones, promoting safety and reconstruction initiatives.

GOBLIN system trial
The Yuma Test Center created a test site with multiple lanes of inert (non-exploding) mines, including both US M-15 and foreign TM-62M models, March 20, 2024. (Image source: DVIDS)

In conclusion, the GOBLN system signifies a paradigm shift in breaching operations. It prioritizes soldier safety, enhances battlefield efficiency, and paves the way for a future where landmines pose a diminished threat. The potential applications in humanitarian demining further solidify the system’s value as a force for good on the global stage.

The US Army’s commitment to innovation through projects like GOBLN ensures a more secure future for both soldiers and civilians alike.