Dozens Injured in West Point Pillow Fight:

When signing up for the military, a pillow fight is perhaps not the first place you imagine yourself getting injured in the line of duty.

But that is exactly what happened to 30 cadets at West Point on August 20 as the traditional end-of-training brawl got out of hand.

One had to be taken away in an ambulance, another was left with a broken leg, and dozens suffered from dislocated shoulders and concussions, it has been reported.

According to the New York Times, some cadets had stuffed helmets and body armor into their pillow cases in an attempt to inflict maximum damage on those taking part.

Images uploaded to social media after the fight show cadets with blood streaming from their noses and mouths, while others brandish blood-spattered pillow cases.

Video of the fight, which takes place in the central court yard of training barracks, shows cadets wearing helmets and body armor rushing in from all sides before laying into each other.

Glow sticks can be seen being thrown from the upper windows, while smoke bombs also seem to be let off among the brawling bodies.