Part 4 of 5


“JSOC is Awesome”


In 2004, Delta Force took part in both the First and Second Battles of Fallujah. While its activities in the later November assault remain almost completely unreported, tales of heroism highlight the Unit’s role in the earlier April operation.

Master Sgt. Don Hollenbaugh and Staff Sgt. Dan Briggs were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for their actions as a small Delta element fought alongside a Marine platoon on April 26, 2004.i

The combined Delta/Marine force of less than 40 men (approx. 30 Marines and seven operators) found itself heavily engaged by an estimated 300 insurgents. Medic Briggs exposed himself to enemy fire on multiple occasions, sprinting back and forth between two buildings in order to treat wounded Marines.

Hollenbaugh, meanwhile, held off the attack from one of the roofs — and continued to do so single-handedly for an extended period after his fellow operators and the Marines had been evacuated.