Do you subscribe to the notion that the internal combustion engine/fossil fuel will soon be replaced as the prevailing means of ground transportation? If you do, we are already in agreement. Electrons are the new hydrocarbons. Electricity is the new program to get with, one that, if your country doesn’t get with it soon, will relegate you and your countrymen to technological obscurity.

Tesla: Leading the Charge in Electric Vehicles

Tesla is the leading manufacturer of electric vehicles (EV) in the U.S. today by leaps and bounds, having produced some 1.85 million units in 2023 alone. (Don’t worry: This is not a techno-economic paper, and I’m not about to start slinging market percentages and other soporific statistics.) Tesla is the EV market leader in America: American cars, built in America, by Americans, for America. Before you start pulling out your flags and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, though, the second biggest market for Tesla is none other than our political and economic rival, China! Learning that probably stung a little, but business is business, and Tesla is no more concerned about the American people’s well-being than China is about preserving the environment.

The Global Impact of China’s EV Ambitions

China has never been a team player on a global scale. Concern for the environment is a global, collective issue, therefore not at all a thing China has felt the need to worry about. China is concerned about China, what China wants, and what is out there to make China both feel good and look good. Heck, China puts itself at the center of all things in the universe. It did, after all, name itself the “Middle Kingdom” (中國 Zhōng Gúo). How positively ethnocentric of them.

China has feeble emission control standards, as obvious from smoggy Beijing scenes. (courtesy Wikipedia Commons)

Tesla has long ago completed its first Gigafactory in Shanghai. China has the goal of producing 500,000 EVs per year there for the Chinese market. China already boasts production numbers of over 5 million of their own EVs built for the Chinese market, including the world’s most extensive fleet of electric buses on the planet.

Oh sure, that displaces a massive amount of fossil fuel requirement for China, and a massive amount of hydrocarbon pollution to the environment, but not because China bleeds for the health of the Big Blue Marble. Rather, the growing global EV market appeals to the Chinese, who view it as an opportunity to pursue a potentially valuable economic boon while feigning the nobility of intent to protect Mother Nature.

China is the leading global producer of EVs in the world today, but like Tesla, they want more. China wants in on America’s market for EVs as well as their own, and they intend to compete in the American EV market by way of the Qián Tú (前途 “Future”) K50 luxury sports car, which can accelerate from 0 to 60 in 4.2 seconds. In the States, it’s being sold as the Mullen GT.

I would feel like a despicable human being if I did not include this fun fact about China’s EV production: Manufacturers program all of their EVs to automatically transmit “performance” data back to the manufacturer. The manufacturer, in turn, transmits that same data to—you guessed it—the one-party Chinese government. No surprise there.

PALO ALTO, CA – NOVEMBER 05: A Tesla Model S car is displayed at a Tesla showroom on November 5, 2013, in Palo Alto, California. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

I’m not suggesting that Qián Tú’s K50 is designed to be technologically invasive, but I ask you, would you feel at ease driving to your crack dealer in a Chinese car that informs “The Man” back in the motherland that your ass temperature in your sporty bucket seat is a tenth of a degree higher than normal, setting off alarms at FBI headquarters?