The world is experiencing renewed wars and conflicts, along with alignments of factions and alliances not seen since the height of the Cold War. In one particular region, East Africa, the ongoing wars are some of the deadliest in the 21st century.

Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia are witnessing horrifying conflicts along with South Sudan, Kenya, and the breakaway region of Somaliland, in which the latter three also have powder kegs that could explode at any minute.

Various Ethiopian Wars

Ethiopia, one of the oldest countries on earth with an extremely rich history, is also intertwined with tragedies such as internal disputes, numerous repelled invasions, and famines.

In 2021, Ethiopia suffered its most brutal war since WWII when the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) went to war against the federal government led by Abiy Ahmed, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Initially, the TPLF gained major victories due to catching the Ethiopian army off guard; however, Addis Ababa soon led a scorched earth campaign enshrined in controversial actions and condemnation.

Abiy Ahmed’s government, along with Eritrea, would lead a major blockade upon the Tigray region, leading to widespread famine and insurmountable civilian casualties. Along the war front, numerous men from the Amhara and Tigray regions would be killed, and the war’s estimates could be around 600,000 dead combined.

In 2023, tensions in the Amhara region became a powder keg as the people of the Amhara region have been persecuted by extremist groups under the neglect of the federal government. Abiy’s government would interfere with the church, leading to more heightened tensions.