Although details remain sparse, Israel has announced that the long-touted F-35 has officially seen combat for the first time anywhere in the world.

Israel was not one of the original nine partner nations that helped to fund the F-35s development but is among the three foreign military sales (FMS) customers for the platform — and is now the first nation ever to use the F-35 in combat operations.

On Tuesday, Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin, Commander of the Israeli Air Force, announced that the F-35, which was recently dubbed the “Panther” by test pilots, had already seen combat on at least two occasions, though he declined to specify which.

“The F-35 squadron has become an operational squadron. We are flying the F-35 all over the Middle East and have already attacked twice on two different fronts.” He said.

Norkin’s statements, made before senior officers from several other nation’s militaries during a conference in Herzliya, were accompanied by images of an F-35I flying over Beirut, Lebanon. According to Norkin, the F-35 did not participate in the most recent high-profile series of strikes in Syria against Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard elements

Soon after General Norkin made the announcement, the official Twitter account for the Israeli Air Force quoted him, calling Israel the only nation in the world to carry out an “operational assault” with the F-35.