The following views and opinions are mine alone.

I’ve written about Navy SEALs in the media before as have others in the community. As an author, I’ve felt the backlash by some in the community personally. However, friends in the community with whom I served remain friends regardless of some ungrounded character assassination attempts I’ve witnessed lately. Ungrounded, because my service record doesn’t support many who throw these accusations my way. Navy SEALs with good reputations and accomplishments get to serve as SEAL Sniper Course Managers, end of story. I can only guess that many who dish out the hate are envious and jealous to the extent only frustrated alpha males can be.

I write because I enjoy it, and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

I’m proud of my service in the Navy’s Special Warfare community. It’s a community rich in history dating back to the Underwater Demolition Teams (UDT) of the 1940s who cleared the beaches of Omaha.

What I’m not proud of is how NSW (Naval Special Warfare) leadership have pointed their fingers at many of my fellow SEAL writers and me as the problem for a media situation that they created in the first place. Hell, a SEAL friend told me recently that WARCOM actually paid for special meetings with RAND about how to curb veteran SEALs writing books and commenting in the media. Naval Special Warfare Command (WARCOM) created this media frankenstein themselves, and now that their creation is out of control bashing down buildings, they are quick to place the blame elsewhere when it lies within the leadership of the community itself.

Earlier this year Rear Admiral Sean Pybus sent a scathing email to the active duty SEAL community:

“We do NOT advertise the nature of our work, NOR do we seek recognition for our actions.”-Rear Adm. Pybus

Since the late 1980s, the SEAL community has had a healthy relationship with Hollywood and the media. I have this theory that the SEALs have enjoyed this relationship because Hollywood is only a short drive from the SEAL headquarters in San Diego, CA. And let’s be honest here folks, who in Hollywood wants to make the trip to Ft. Bragg? As a West Coast SEAL, I witnessed the relationship first hand. It was common to see celebrities and professional sports teams paraded around the Team area in the late 90s, and I’ve heard it hasn’t changed much. The majority of SEALs I know don’t like the celebrity “Dog and Pony” shows that have become commonplace. Who in the chain of command authorized this? It’s safe to say that it wasn’t the SEAL E-5 sled dog.