We haven’t used the Airborne since Normandy. We don’t fight those kinds of wars anymore. Only Special Operations need to jump out of airplanes? What are you taking, crazy pills? Maybe just a smug keyboard commando who knows it all, and yet failed to serve. Perhaps an astroturfing puppet out to spread propaganda in the name of a “grassroots” faux-campaign to discredit the functionality of military.

Despite the rhetoric, there is a much larger fighting force defending freedom and democracy. Special Ops are not the only folks warfighting on the global front of these many wars. There are Combat Engineers, Infantry, Calvary and Artillery units amongst a host of others who step out into the danger zone by exiting an aircraft. Big surprise, Hollywood, and the hype is full of it.

As for the rest . . . since Normandy, and we don’t fight in those kinds of wars anymore? Hey, short-sighted, elitist, hipster – Rome wants its citizens back for the fall of that empire . . . try not to be simple.


Here is a light history of Post WWII Airborne Operations that are not Special Operations centric:

Mali – 2013, 250 French paratroopers from the 11th Parachute Brigade jumped into northern Mali to support an offensive to capture the city of Timbuktu

Operation Black Thunderstorm and Operation Rah-e-Nijat – 2009, Pakistan Army’s paratroopers conducted combat jump operations to seize control of strategic mountain areas in order to support special forces and infantry troops.

Iraq’03 – On March 26, 2003 the U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade conducted a combat jump into northern Iraq, during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, to seize an airfield and support special forces: Task Force Viking.

On March 23, 2003 3/75 Ranger Regiment conducted a combat jump into northern Iraq to seize a desert airfield.