Today, SOFREP’s Pic of the Day features members of the IDF 35th Paratroopers Brigade having an improvised ceremony of some sort in the ruins of Gaza.

What is the 35th Paratroopers Brigade?

The 35th “Paratroopers” Brigade, known in Hebrew as Hativat HaTzanhanim, is a renowned Israel Defence Forces (IDF) unit comprising airborne infantry. Established in the mid-1950s, it represents a significant part of the IDF’s Infantry Corps and is known for its involvement in special operations dating back to the 1950s. Members of this brigade are recognizable by their maroon berets, russet boots, and distinctive uniforms featuring a tunic and belt over their shirts.

Gaza Today
Israeli soldiers sift through the rubble of today’s Gaza.

The brigade’s inception traces back to 1949 when Chaim Laskov, prompted by Machalnik Captain Tom Derek Bowden, established a paratroop school using British Army surplus equipment. Bowden played a pivotal role in setting up the brigade, including writing a training manual. The brigade was officially formed through the merging of the commando Unit 101 and the 890th Battalion, an elite infantry formation. Initially, the brigade’s primary weapon was the IMI Uzi submachine gun, suitable for recon and commando operations due to its lightness and compact size.

Ariel Sharon Was Their First Commander

Ariel Sharon, a notable Israeli military and political figure, was the first commander of the Paratroopers Brigade. The brigade’s operational history is marked by its only combat parachute drop during the 1956 Sinai War and its critical role in capturing Jerusalem in the 1967 Six-Day War, a momentous event in Israeli history. Over the years, the brigade has been a breeding ground for future Israeli military leaders, including several Chiefs of Staff like Shaul Mofaz, Moshe Ya’alon, Benny Gantz, and Aviv Kochavi.

About to collapse
The IDF approaches a building that looks like it is ready to collapse.


The selection and training for the Paratroopers Brigade are rigorous. Candidates undergo a demanding two-day selection process assessing their physical fitness, emotional readiness, leadership qualities, and teamwork skills. Despite a high dropout rate, the year-long training program is comprehensive. It covers a wide range of military skills and tactics, culminating in an 80-kilometer “Beret March” marking their induction into the IDF.

Coffee in Gaza
A full “Palestine Islamic Bank” mug of what appears to be coffee overlooks recent destruction and the sea.

Combat History

In terms of combat history, the Paratroopers Brigade played a significant role in various conflicts and operations. They were instrumental in the Reprisal operations of the 1950s, which included raids into Arab territory in response to fedayeen attacks. Notable operations included attacks on Egyptian positions in the Gaza Strip and the Sinai, as well as on Syrian gun emplacements.

During the Sinai Campaign of 1956, the brigade executed a daring paratroop drop at the Mitla Pass, followed by a grueling engagement resulting in heavy losses but ultimately achieving their objectives. In the 1967 Six-Day War, the brigade fought on multiple fronts, including the Sinai Peninsula and Jerusalem. They played a crucial role in capturing strategic locations and were involved in several significant battles, including the recapture of East Jerusalem.

IDF leaflet
A leaflet dropped by the IDF  addressing the residents of one of the largest cities in the Gaza Strip.


A SOFREP translation of the leaflet. They are clearly trying to get citizens out of the war zone.

The brigade’s involvement continued through the War of Attrition, where they conducted various operations, including raids in Jordan and Beirut and even airlifting a Soviet radar station out of Egypt. Their role in the Yom Kippur War of 1973 was marked by intense battles on both the Egyptian and Syrian fronts, including the capture of Mount Hermon and engagements in the Golan Heights.

The brigade also participated in Operation Entebbe in 1976, a famous counter-terrorist hostage rescue mission in Uganda. This operation saw the successful rescue of hostages from a hijacked Air France aircraft and resulted in the death of the team leader, Yonatan Netanyahu.

In more recent times, the Paratroopers Brigade has been involved in operations in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. They played a significant role in the 1982 Lebanon War, the Second Intifada, Operation Cast Lead, the 2006 Lebanon War, and Operation Protective Edge in 2014.

The brigade is structured under the IDF’s 98th Division and consists of three regular battalions named after venomous snakes: the 101st “Cobra,” 202nd “Viper,” and 890th “Echis.” It also includes a reconnaissance battalion and support units. The Paratroopers Brigade’s weapons arsenal features the M4 Carbine, among other gear.

The brigade is commemorated at several memorials, including the main one near Gedera and Rehovot, and others dedicated to specific operations or wars in which they have participated. These memorials serve as a testament to the bravery and sacrifices of the Paratroopers Brigade throughout its distinguished history.