This past week has filled me with dismay.

I thought I had really been beyond the point of being shocked by the media and the government colluding to set an agenda, but even I was surprised by the all-out push this week to turn the focus of the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida from, you know, THE TERRORIST, and to the gun issue. The reaction this week was totally different than when Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik shot up San Bernardino. I don’t know if it was because that target in that case was just boring regular American citizens or what, but the media went into a frenzy on the Orlando shooting in comparison.

I know I’m Sofrep’s resident Islamophobe guy who does not care for Islam, but I haven’t seen anything quite like the race to diminish the role of Islam in the Orlando terrorist attack in my life. I’m not sure if it’s going to take car bombs going off in the streets, or maybe 5 guys instead of 1 guy with long guns, a suitcase nuke, or what, but watching this week unfold has been… illustrative. I mean, we’re splitting hairs because Omar Mateen mentioned militant, violent Islamic groups that are opposed to one another? Really? As always, what follows is my opinion.

Sensing an opening to enact their long-desired curtailment of the second amendment, the media wasted no time. This was a golden opportunity. Not only would they be able to use this as a prop to enact their ban of the hated “AR-15” rifle, but look at the victims! Mainly gay, and some probably in the country illegally. Clearly, this was the NRA’s fault.

The democrats, too, wasted no time in exploiting the terrorist attack. Almost immediately, they began plotting on how to enact legislation to deprive Americans of their civil rights. Forget the fact that a long gun mass shooting is one of the rarest ways one can die by violence in America. Now, they want to make sure that anyone who is on the “watch list,” the “no-fly” list, the “extra-screening” list cannot buy a firearm. Never mind that people often have no idea that the are even on these lists. Never mind that a citizen can be placed on their by bureaucratic whim and spend YEARS fighting to get off of it. Never mind that this is basically ceding one of the most cherished rights of the contestation to the U.S. government, Something Has To Be Done.