The Justice Department will release partial transcripts of conversations between the police and the Orlando gunman from the night he carried out a deadly attack at a gay nightclub, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Sunday.

The transcripts, expected to be released on Monday, will include three calls between the gunman, Omar Mateen, and negotiators who spoke with him as the massacre was unfolding.

Law enforcement officials will also provide a detailed timeline of those calls.

Ms. Lynch said the calls should shed light on the motivation behind Mr. Mateen’s decision to walk into the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla., on June 12 and carry out an attack in which 49 people were fatally shot before he was killed by the police.

The announcement came as Ms. Lynch, the nation’s top law enforcement official, made rare appearances on five major Sunday morning news programs to discuss the investigation as it entered its second week.

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