After a couple of drinks, the conversation between Jason (Cop) and I (former Navy SEAL) tend to get interesting. Our perspectives are often very different when it comes to certain issues. Last night after our son went to bed, Jason cracked open some whisky and I poured a scotch. We started talking about some training he just attended, then the conversation shifted to politics. At the end of our second round of drinks and one heated debate later, an idea was born.

We wrote down questions we thought could show the differences or similarities in the mindset of police versus operators. There are only three rules; first, we answer the questions privately. Second, under no circumstances can we change our answers when we read what the other wrote. Last rule, any answer can only be one paragraph. Before we start, I feel like there should be a disclaimer, something like, “The views expressed in this article do not reflect those of all police or Navy SEALs.”

1. How do you feel about home protection?

Navy SEAL: Too much is not enough, my family is everything to me. I realize that many families have to live on budget (including mine). I’m always armed or have a weapon within reach throughout the day. Also, having a big ass Saint Bernard that’s extremely territorial of the home is a hundred times better than some crappy home security system that charges you a monthly fee.

Cop: Get a dog. No, seriously. Even the police are hesitant to walk into your house when you have an unpredictable animal with an overwhelming sense of protection for its family. If you must get an alarm system, do your research on the company. Also, know that the police response time varies depending on where you live. If you have a firearm, it won’t help you much if you don’t practice with it.

2. What are your thoughts on concealed carry vs. open carry.

Navy SEAL: Outside of open carrying because your job requires it, I think its kind of douche bag move to open carry unless you’re on a hunting trip or something similar. All it does it make people incredibly uncomfortable. Eating at restaurants, or watching movies is much more enjoyable when you don’t have to focus on the attention-whore trying to look like a bad ass.

Cop: I love those open carry guys. I don’t have to look for their weapons. When I’m off duty, mine is concealed. That way, if Mr. Bad Guy comes in to do his thing, he is picking off the open carry people first. That should give me enough time to draw and move to cover while making a plan to eliminate the threat. That’s my first thought when I see those people. My second thought is, “Nice Hi-Point.”

3. Should PT tests get easier the older you get for SEAL’s and Cops?

Navy SEAL: There should always be a minimum standard that never changes because of age, a standard that reflects the potential demands of the job. If you can’t pass the minimum standard you’re putting other peoples lives at risk.

Cop: My opinion has changed a bit over the years. If I am physically unable to do the job, then I shouldn’t be doing the job. I had gotten to that point earlier this year and did not realize it until I was chasing a criminal on foot. These jobs aren’t about you, they are about the people depending on you. There are other aspects of law enforcement that don’t require physical exertion. Knowledge and experience are very important as well. Perhaps, those areas are better suited for those who can’t pass the entry level PT tests.