Ten years! Wow, never would I have imagined this was possible.

I love SOFREP and our community, some have been with us for ten years and remember the wild west days before we had to learn how to run a newsroom.

The site started as a military culture blog but quickly turned into that and more when we started breaking news ahead of the mainstream news media.

Writers for the site like myself and Murphy (a great writer) kept seeing the big boys in the news get their facts totally wrong with regards to the Afghanistan and Iraq campaigns and we sought to get the correct version of events to the public, and it worked.

Then Benghazi, Libya came along and it was personal to me because I lost my best friend Glen Doherty. Both sides of the US media quickly weaponized their headlines in support of their political agenda and bias.

We reported the facts and the editors wrote a New York Times bestselling ebook about it. Benghazi, the Definitive Report.

I remember talking to Jack Murphy and he was nervous it was too much of a stretch to make this proclamation but we ended up being the first news outlet to put out a fact-based account of the messy situation in Benghazi that competing US interests had created.

Namely the CIA, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), and the Department of State are all operating on different playbooks resulting in JSOC killing paid CIA assets in the region for starters…