A frigate from the United Kingdom Royal Navy seized 870 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine worth an estimated $45 million from a fishing vessel in the Middle East, Oct. 2.

HMS Montrose (F 236) was operating in international waters in the Gulf of Oman as part of Combined Task Force (CTF) 150. Montrose is a Duke-class frigate that has been operating in the Middle East since March 2019.

GULF OF OMAN (Oct. 2, 2022) A boarding team from the United Kingdom’s Royal Navy frigate HMS Montrose (F236) transits international waters in the Gulf of Oman, Oct. 2. (UK Royal Navy photo)

“HMS Montrose again proves the value of having a forward-deployed presence in the region,” said Cmdr. Claire Thompson, the ship’s commanding officer. “This shows the professionalism of the boarding team and whole ship’s company.”

Led by the Royal Saudi Navy, CTF 150 is one of four task forces under Combined Maritime Forces, the largest multinational naval partnership in the world. CTF 150 conducts maritime security operations in the Gulf of Oman and North Arabian Sea to help ensure the free flow of commerce.

GULF OF OMAN (Oct. 2, 2022) Personnel from the United Kingdom’s Royal Navy frigate HMS Montrose (F236) inventory illicit drugs seized from a fishing vessel in international waters in the Gulf of Oman, Oct. 2. (UK Royal Navy photo)

Combined Maritime Forces is the largest multinational naval partnership in the world. The organization includes 34 nations and is headquartered in Bahrain with U.S. Naval Forces Central Command and U.S. 5th Fleet.