Remembering Gaetano Cutino

Guido seemed a fitting nickname for a brother named Gaetano Cutino. I made him the butt of a number of situations that inspired cartoons through my years with Delta, his obvious ties to the Italian Mafia notwithstanding. Though he had no such ties, in reality, it was the de facto duty of men on an assault team to bond through the breaking of balls and the demonstrative propensity to behave like a stereotypical ass:

“Hey, Guido… is my radio too loud for you?”

“No, man… not at all.”

“Great, because you know… I wouldn’t want you to “take out a hit on me,” have me “rubbed out,” “clipped,” “swimming with the fishes,” and all…”

“Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha… yeah, yeah, sure, I get it, man, I get it… because I’m Italian; therefore, I have ties with the mob and only eat-a-the spicey-a meat-a-balla!”

Guido was far from a bungling sort, but his sterling sense of humor and ease of nature made so many more things he did seem more humorous than they actually were. He seemed to fit well into cartoon frames depicting grossly exaggerated daily events. I found that he quickly became the most featured character in my cartoons of all the men in the squadron.

Immediate material presented itself as Guido attempted to drive a particularly large cargo lorry through the “obstacle course” that was the main entrance to our compound. Huge planters were staggered along the approach to the main gate to force vehicles to zig-zag, reducing their speed. It was challenging enough for an ordinary vehicle and taxed Guido’s driving spirit to the very edge.

Guido sadly thumped one of the planters, displacing it a few feet and rendering a modicum of “cosmetic alteration” to the truck. The episode was laughed off by the guards at the gate who let Guido pass…, but that simply did not settle with the squadron brothers, who immediately escalated the story into a total loss of drive train, resulting in the complete displacement of the rear axle group.