Before the dawn of the concept of the nation-state, ancient cities, and civilizations fought fiercely for lands and resources. Siege warfare was commonplace in the Bronze and Iron Ages as empires looked to extend their hegemony, such as the Assyrians.

The ancient Assyrian Empire in the old, middle, and neo periods fought fiercely in siege tactics to turn rivals into vassalage and extend their force projection across the ancient Near East. These Semitic peoples would lay the foundations of siege warfare along with extraordinary cultural achievements for modern human civilization.

What is Siege Warfare?

Siege warfare includes armies conducting offensive operations against a fortified city or outpost by cutting off supply lines, resources, and lines of communications. Weaponry used to overtake walls or conduct operations underground is frequently used.

Weapons used in ancient siege warfare included catapults, siege towers, and bartering rams. With the birth of the Iron Age, Assyrians started to set the example of besieging cities with minimal casualties taken.

Assyrian Tactics

The Assyrian Empire, notably the Neo Assyrian Empire, was effective in siege tactics and overall warfare. The Iron Age was the perfect era for them, as they were the sole empire in the Mesopotamian region and Near East to utilize and revolutionize iron weaponry.

Iron weaponry could be mass-produced at a faster rate than the late bronze weapons and were far stronger. With the Assyrians being one of the few ancient civilizations not negatively affected by the Late Bronze Age Collapse, their strength was intact for further gains.

Assyrian kings such as Ashurnarsipal II and Sennacherib perfected the use of battering rams, with the latter utilizing multiple rams in one concentrated wall or gate to puncture through defenses. One such example was the Siege of Lachish in 701 BC which saw the Assyrians conquer the strategically essential and symbolic city from the Kingdom of Judah.