A Need For Strong Leaders

As the realms of Air and Space evolve, so does the need for exemplary leaders. The Ranger Assessment Course (RAC) is the crucible where Airmen and Guardians, alongside their Army counterparts, are molded into resilient and skilled leaders. Commanders and supervisors recognize the unmatched value these trained and committed individuals bring to their teams, signifying the beginning of a transformative journey through RAC.

A recent cohort of 15 Airmen, 15 Soldiers, and a singular Guardian embarked on this rigorous 19-day course, the Air Force’s adaptation of the Army’s Small Unit Ranger Tactics (SURT). This course evaluates the mental and physical mettle of those aspiring to attend the esteemed Army Ranger School, renowned as the pinnacle of combat leadership education within the Department of Defense.

Tech. Sgt. Luciano Rosano, an instructor at RAC, emphasizes the significance of the Ranger School, stating,

“Leadership is cultivated in diverse ways; some are born, others are shaped, and a few are tempered through challenges. Regardless of the outcome, every participant emerges with a transformed worldview.”

Building Skills

Throughout RAC, participants acquire a myriad of skills, including battle drills, land navigation, and small unit tactics. This comprehensive training cultivates a deep understanding of combat leadership, communication, accountability, resilience, and performance under pressure, among other essential attributes.

Gabriel Rodriguez, the program manager of the course, highlights the universal principles and core values that guide Airmen and Guardians: integrity, service, excellence, character, connection, commitment, and courage. He underscores the importance of unity and collective growth, stating,

“Regardless of the uniform, we are united in our mission to protect our nation.”