Editor’s Note: This piece was written by CWO4 (ret) Greg Coker, Task Force 160, Special Operations Aviation Regiment, “The Night Stalkers,” and Master Sergeant (ret) George Edward Hand IV, 1st Special Operation Operational Detachment-Delta, “The Delta Force.” It is a true story. – GDM

Author’s Note:

I have been considering writing some of my stories down for quite some time. I prayed about doing this and feel that God approves. I also had a few buddies, outside influence, that told me to write. My argument was always the same, I am no one special, I just did my job, I was just at the right place at the right time… or the wrong time. These are my thoughts, experiences, emotions that I don’t care to share with anyone. I did start a journal on 9-11, it is in my safe. Thanks to Geo and Kyle Lamb for your inspiration. Kyle would say: “Gravy, if it ain’t written, it never happened.” My wife, Edie, has been my biggest support and inspiration. God sure did bless me. I love you.


Chief Warrant Officer-4 Greg “Gravy” Coker is a Texan, a fiercely patriotic, devoutly Christian, and venerable brother of man. He’s upbeat and loud, and he laughs at his own jokes louder than anyone else in a room. It seemed so fitting, and only a matter of time before he entered the military as a younger man to lend his hand in the preservation efforts of a great nation.

Like a few others during his career, he felt compelled to push himself to the pinnacle of his craft. Greg Coker’s area of acceleration was flight. After a brief tenure with the infantry, he became a rotor-wing pilot and excelled his way into the vaunted 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR), The Night Stalkers—say no more!

For Tier-One special operators to hear mention of the Night Stalkers in mission planning is to breathe out a sigh of relief, knowing that the ride to and from the objective was going to be the very best it could be. It also meant that fire support from the air would rain down like jackhammers with all the accuracy that earned its kind the name “surgical precision.” That was Greg Coker’s role; Greg flew close air fire support from an AH-6J Little Bird Attack Helicopter (AH).