
This is Part 2 of a two-part series on the October 25/26 Israeli air strike on Iran. The first part is here NSA Leak Causes Feeble Israeli Attack on Iran and discusses how an NSA leak may have affected the viability of the strike. This article covers the weapons used and the results of the attack.


The Evolution of Strike ALBMs

During the 1991 Gulf War, Saddam Hussein of Iraq launched SCUD ballistic missiles at Tel Aviv. These were “Extended-Range” Scuds. To reach Israel, their payload was halved and fuel capacity increased. Early versions of the Patriot ABM system were deployed to protect Israel with limited to no success. The modifications made to the SCUDs upset their trim and caused them to tumble through the terminal phase. The tumbling upset the Patriots’ guidance.

Following the Gulf War, Israel resolved to collaborate with the US to build its own air defense missile system. The result was the layered Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow 3 complex. Development of the complex, however, required testing.

Israel developed a series of test missiles. Figure 2 shows three test target missiles developed for the program.

Sparrow Missiles
Figure 2. Israeli-developed test target missiles