Northern Afghanistan, 1030 local time January, 2002.

The war is well underway and things are simple. The rules of engagement are that there mostly are no rules, and that’s ok by most.

Command has one purpose and it’s known to everyone in country. Kill as many terrorists as possible, extract our American pound of flesh for the twin towers, and wipe out the training camps in the process.

It’s been mostly mission accomplished up until now. Those that haven’t died for Allah fled to the east, into Pakistan. The few that stayed are hardened Taliban and AQ fighters, including the legendary and feared Taliban leader “Bardhar” who was rumored to have a strange killing fetish.

They remained, and the Special Ops units left to hunt them down. But sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted. Lines are blurred, and morals are cast aside in the rage of revenge. The course of a community forever altered for good or bad. Out story begins…

The scene made grown, hardened men cry.

It was a mission gone bad, the kind where heroes die and are later written about, and some show runner profiteer in Hollywood makes a killing on the movie.

Hollywood 1 Hero 0.