Editor’s Note: SOFREP is excited that Kensington Publishing Corp. has chosen us to publish excerpts of the upcoming World War II thriller Dead of Night by bestselling author Simon Scarrow. The book goes on sale to the general public on December 26th, but you get to get a sneak peek here first. Enjoy. –GDM  

Chapter One

31 January

It was shortly after midday when the door to the Kripo section office opened. Sergeant Hauser looked up as a man in a dark coat hung his hat on the stand inside the entrance. He crossed to the stove in the center of the room and turned to warm his back before nodding a greeting. The sergeant was doing his best to write up some notes while recovering from a gunshot wound to his shoulder. Although it had been a flesh wound, he still wore a sling from time to time when he needed to ease what remained of the pain. Now, he set his pen down.

‘How did it go, sir?’

His superior, Criminal Inspector Horst Schenke, had attended a funeral that morning. Count Anton Harstein and his wife, an elderly couple who had been family friends, had been murdered shortly before Christmas. Thanks to the paperwork associated with the investigation and the delay caused by frozen soil, it had taken five weeks before the bodies could be buried. Count Harstein had once managed the Silver Arrows motor racing team that Schenke had driven for before a crash had ended his racing career and left him with a limp.

After the accident, Schenke had needed a new direction in life and had joined the police.

He took a deep breath. ‘As well as such things can.’