The video below really took me back. This is the first time in years I’ve seen an actual Army instructor go through instructions on how to operate a specific weapons system.

If you’ve never been in the Army before, this is exactly how you’re taught in the field. Down and dirty. You can tell that the instructor is an expert and has done this many, many times. In this case, SSG Rodriguez walks us through the fundamentals of how to operate a Mark 19 Grenade Launcher. You might also hear this referred to as a Mark 19 Grenade Machine Gun. Either way, it is the same weapon.

Check out the video below, and we’ll continue.

SSG Rodriguez demonstrates the proper procedures for operating a Mark 19 grenade launcher. U.S. Army video by Sgt. Laurie Ellen Wash

Sergeant Rodriguez really knows his stuff. The U.S. military has long been known for its technological superiority, with weapon systems designed to give troops the upper hand in any engagement. Among the most formidable tools in the arsenal is the Mark 19 grenade launcher, an automatic, belt-fed weapon that brings heavy firepower to both offensive and defensive operations. From its development in the 1960s to its continued use today, the Mark 19 has proven itself as an indispensable asset in ground combat.

A Brief History of the Mark 19

The Mark 19 was first introduced during the Vietnam War. It was developed to provide soldiers with a portable, high-rate-of-fire weapon capable of firing explosive rounds. While early prototypes showed promise, it wasn’t until the Mark 19 Mod 3 that the weapon saw widespread use. By the 1980s, it had become a staple in the U.S. military’s arsenal.

Unlike traditional machine guns (yes, this is technically a machine gun), which primarily fire bullets, the Mark 19 uses 40mm grenades, giving troops the ability to deliver devastating explosive firepower at ranges of up to 2,200 meters. Its ability to suppress enemy forces from a distance, destroy light vehicles, and clear fortified positions makes it a unique force multiplier.