“Humans are more important than hardware.”

This is the one Special Operations Truth out of the five that resonates most with me. It has been at the core of my team-first approach as the Managing Editor of this site.

After four years with SOFREP (two as a freelancer, one as full-time writer, and one as the Managing Editor), I’ve decided to leave the company. It was an honor and privilege to lead the editorial team and be responsible for the editorial focus of the SOFREP Media Group.

We’ve covered some incredible stories. From Delta Force’s raid that killed Abu Bark al-Baghdadi, to the decision to downsize the Special Forces Crisis Response Force companies, to the critical state of the Special Forces Combat Diver capability, to the first female Green Beret, among thousands of others. Our goal was always to inform you and effect change when necessary. I’ve made many mistakes during my time at SOFREP. But I hope that the good we did outshines those slips. In the end, I’m proud of what we have accomplished as an editorial team — often against all odds.

To the fellas of the editorial team, thanks for giving me a taste of what it means to lead by serving.

Nick: Thanks for your trust and leadership. By your daily sacrifices, you’ve enabled this crazy train to stay on the tracks. You’ve been a wall of patience and resilience.

Geo: Thanks for your friendship — your asking me to write the foreword to your book was the pinnacle of my four-year career at SOFREP.

Steve: Thanks for your consistency and quiet but effective work.