Starting this Sunday, members of the SOFREP editorial team will be holding regular Q&A livestreams on our Instagram page.

This is your chance to ask about everything and anything that pertains to the site, our editorial coverage, and current events. Above all else, SOFREP is a community of like-minded people – who often agree to disagree. We all care about the U.S. and allied Special Operations, military, law enforcement, and intelligence communities. And now it is time to take that interest into another level.

If you’ve got any questions or topics of interest, please send them to [email protected] so the hosts can make sure to address them.

Here is the schedule:

  • Sunday: Brandon (Navy SEAL) (2000 EST)
  • Monday: George “Geo” Hand (Delta Force operator) (2000 EST)
  • Tuesday: Steve Balestrieri (Green Beret) (1700 EST)
  • Wednesday: George “Geo” Hand (Delta Force operator) (2000 EST)
  • Friday: Steve Balestrieri (Green Beret) (1700 EST)

Looking forward to seeing you.