The Chinese military has been increasing its amphibious combat skills and command capabilities, which were displayed during a recent landing exercise aired by state broadcaster CCTV. The People’s Liberation Army Marine Corps used multiple types of weapons, equipment, and combat models for the exercise, including amphibious armored vehicles and assault boats. These militarized watercraft are designed to provide enhanced mobility in maritime environments and can be used to launch surprise attacks against an enemy.

“In such a joint landing exercise, the operations of sweeping out obstacles, reconnaissance force penetration and attack, combined with assault force maritime firepower strike operations, previously required a high degree of cooperation among multiple battalions of the brigade,” Wu Dan, commander of the brigade’s combined arms battalion was quoted as saying by CCTV.
“Now, we only need one combined arms battalion to do it independently.”

Chinese AAVs

The People’s Republic of China’s Type 05 amphibious armored vehicle (AAV) is designed to rapidly deploy marines onto austere beachheads from amphibious assault ships. It is a tracked, ship-to-shore vehicle capable of high-speed travel and excellent maneuverability. Its features make it uniquely suited for its purpose, allowing it to reach destinations more rapidly than other vehicles of its kind.

Type 05 has a long hydraulic bow flap that extends outwards when in the water. This allows the vehicle to skim over the surface of the water, similar to how normal boats do at high speeds. It also folds onto the front glacis when not used, providing additional armor protection to the hull.

The Type 05 also has retractable road wheels and tracks on the underside of the vehicle that can be stowed away when not needed, streamlining both sides and bottom while traveling across land or through shallow waters. This feature helps decrease drag and increase speed so that it can reach its destination faster than other vehicles without this feature would be able to.

It also has a system specifically designed for navigating rough terrain with ease and agility. This includes an independent suspension system featuring eight shock absorbers per side which enhances maneuverability by allowing each wheel to move independently from one another as needed for crossing obstacles on land or sea floor. The increased range of motion also helps reduce maintenance costs due to improved wear on individual parts over time.

Finally, there is an advanced waterjet propulsion system that offers powerful thrust toward desired destinations with minimal fuel consumption. This combination of features gives it an advantage over other AAVs by decreasing travel time and increasing fuel efficiency compared to different designs without such a complex powertrain design.