When it comes to a persons Every Day Carry or EDC set up, it’s often times as unique to the users work and professional life as a finger print is to their body. I use that statement to get you into the thinking mindset that everyone is an individual and what works for your situation or career may not work for others. In my 9-5 day job life I am an Emergency Management Professional, which means on my commute to the office I have a backpack that has the “required” work items for the office, folders, pens, note pads etc. The bonus part of having to drag folders and office related garbage with me in a bag is that I can pack a little extra level of gear into it without looking like I am preparing to hike the Appalachian Trail. I’m sure some of our readers can relate to the experience of having to carry a backpack or small bag to work everyday, just like you did for years as a child going to school.

If there is a difficulty sometimes with my chosen career it is that I often find myself in meetings and working groups in various local, state and federal government buildings. These buildings as you can image are very specific about their firearms policies with the frequent signs posted reading “NOTICE: NO FIREARMS ALLOW IN THIS FACILITY”. This no gun policy also extends to the parking lots and common areas around the building. That poses a situation that must be handled carefully. How to devise an Every Day Carry set up that unfortunately doesn’t allow for firearms use. Many people in openly anti gun states also face this same problem on a daily basis. So now that I have let you into my world a little bit I figured with September being National Preparedness Month and winding down I would let you look into the EDC of someone who by is essentially a professional prepper on some level. I’ve started my short list going from biggest piece of daily gear to smallest piece of daily gear, so without anymore words let’s get to the gear already.

Gamut in Bracken color. Hipster Camo

1.) Vertex Gamut Backpack

The Gamut by Vertx to be is as close to a perfect city pack as I’ve ever used. I chose the Brakes color pattern because it’s essentially two shades of brown and a little lighter colored leather trim. It doesn’t make people think “there goes tactical tim” as I walk by them on busy streets. It blends and looks like something you can get from REI or LL Bean. It’s a 28 liter pack that can hold a 15″ laptop, folders, and the rest of the gear I normally have to drag with me. Price $199.00

2.) Associated Work Folders

The worst part of my EDC, work folders which usually consists of amazingly interesting things like project folders, timelines, excel spread sheets, progress reports and planning guides from FEMA. Just what every person wants to drag back and forth from the office.

3.) Wild Hedgehog Tactical EDC Pocket Kit