Estonia has recently jumped into the ring, folks, joining the Brits in this military training gig called Operation Interflex.

It’s all about beefing up Ukraine’s defense game, which has been lacking since Russia decided to throw its weight around.

Estonia’s Commitment: Training and Long-Term Support

Estonia, led by Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur, is stepping up to the plate, vowing to back Ukraine through Operation Interflex.

“In addition to a constant influx of weapons and ammunition, Ukraine needs the ongoing support of Western countries in training new and additional armed forces personnel in this war, as it transforms into a protracted conflict,” said Pevkur in a statement.

Their support plan includes shipping out more basic training instructors to events in the UK and rolling out specialized courses on their own turf.

And that’s not all – they’re committing to future missions under the EU’s Military Assistance Mission for Ukraine, making it clear this isn’t just a one-off; it’s a long-haul commitment to Ukraine’s defense.

Pevkur stressed the need for Western backing in Ukraine’s prolonged tango with Russia.

Training and beefing up Ukraine’s armed forces, he says, are key to giving them the chops to stand up against aggression.