In a resolute response to escalating cyber threats, Ukraine, with unwavering support from the European Union and Estonia, has inaugurated a cutting-edge cyber classroom aimed at fortifying its military’s ability to counter sophisticated cyberattacks and bolster national security.

Ukraine has formally unveiled a state-of-the-art cyber classroom designed to train military specialists in countering sophisticated cyberattacks.

The newly established facility, built with support from Estonia, represents a crucial development in the ongoing effort to fortify Ukraine’s digital defenses.

The cyber classroom, equipped with 15 workstations and cutting-edge technology, is poised to play a pivotal role in preparing Ukrainian military experts to confront the evolving threats in the cyber realm. This state-of-the-art initiative is backed by the European Union’s European Peace Facility, a critical off-budget resource dedicated to preventing conflicts, fostering peace, and reinforcing international security.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell emphasized the strategic significance of this endeavor, stating that the opening of the cyber classroom underscores the EU’s unwavering commitment to supporting Kyiv against a wide range of Russian cyberattacks.

He further expressed the belief that this facility would significantly enhance Ukraine’s cyber defense capacity and reinforce comprehensive cooperation on security and defense.

The Cyber Resilience Initiative

The cyber classroom represents a milestone in the joint efforts of Ukraine and Estonia to strengthen Kyiv’s cyber resilience.

Cyber threats have become a prominent concern in an increasingly digital world, and nations recognize the critical need to safeguard their digital infrastructure from malicious attacks.

The need for such resilience became particularly apparent in September when Russian hackers reportedly targeted computer systems belonging to Ukrainian law enforcement agencies. These hackers sought access to crucial war crime evidence, highlighting the grave nature of the threats Ukraine faces.

Additionally, social media giant Meta revealed that hackers with ties to Moscow and Belarus had successfully infiltrated the Facebook accounts of Ukrainian military officials to disseminate Russian propaganda.

Hannes Astok, a prominent Estonian official, explained to Estonian Public Broadcasting the motivation behind this vital initiative.

He stressed that the cyber classroom serves as Estonia’s contribution to enhancing Ukraine’s cyber resiliency.

“This is our contribution in building up the cyber resilience of Ukraine and keeping Ukrainian digital society running and government functional even during the war,” Astok said.

Estonia’s Ongoing Support

Estonia’s commitment to fortifying Ukraine’s digital defenses doesn’t end with the cyber classroom.

Last year, Estonia established a military cyber facility in Kyiv aimed at improving the cybersecurity skills of Ukrainian specialists. The combination of these initiatives underscores Estonia’s dedication to enhancing Ukraine’s ability to withstand and repel cyber threats.

The military cyber facility in Kyiv is designed to provide Ukrainian specialists with the necessary training and expertise to counteract various cyberattacks. Moreover, it is equipped with cutting-edge technology and staffed by experienced instructors who will guide Ukrainian experts in developing the skills required to defend against increasingly sophisticated threats.

The Support of the European Union

The financial backing for the cyber classroom, as well as Estonia’s military cyber facility, comes from the European Union’s European Peace Facility. This off-budget instrument is specifically designed to prevent conflicts, promote peace, and strengthen international security.

It plays a crucial role in supporting nations facing security challenges, particularly in the form of cyber threats.

The EU’s financial and logistical support for these initiatives is a clear testament to the bloc’s unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s defense and security. Josep Borrell’s statement reinforces this commitment and emphasizes the importance of European support in bolstering Ukraine’s cyber defense capabilities.

Meanwhile, early this month, the United States and Denmark announced a collaborative effort through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine activity.

Denmark is committing 20 million DKK ($2.8 million) to this initiative, highlighting the international commitment to supporting Ukraine in the face of escalating cyber threats. The partnership aims to enhance Kyiv’s cybersecurity environment, develop a skilled cybersecurity workforce, and foster collaboration between the public and private sectors to build a more resilient cybersecurity industry.


The formal opening of Ukraine’s new cyber classroom, established with the assistance of Estonia and funded by the European Union, marks a significant step towards strengthening the nation’s cyber defense capabilities. In an age where digital threats are on the rise, Ukraine is taking proactive measures to enhance its cyber resilience and safeguard its digital infrastructure.

The European Union’s involvement and financial support underscore the international community’s commitment to helping Ukraine confront the ever-evolving challenges in cyberspace. The cyber classroom and the military cyber facility in Kyiv, both established with Estonia’s support, will play a vital role in preparing Ukrainian specialists to defend against sophisticated cyberattacks and ensure the stability and functionality of the nation’s digital society during times of conflict.