Despite receiving warning and sanction threats from the West to deter Iran from pursuing its hypersonic missile program, the country has boldly defied these measures and unveiled its latest achievement in the global arms race: the Fattah hypersonic missile. This display of technological prowess showcases Iran’s determination to advance its military capabilities despite international pressure. The weapon, known for its incredible speed and maneuverability, poses a significant challenge to existing defense systems and raises fears of their potential use in delivering nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction.

Tehran recently revealed its first hypersonic missile, dubbed Fattah, which it claims can travel at speeds of up to Mach 15  and breach current defense systems, escalating concerns for Western nations and Israel.

As you all know, Israel and Iran have been at odds for decades, and their relationship has only worsened in recent years, with the latter repeatedly threatening to destroy the former. The development of the Iranian hypersonic missile only adds a new dimension to Tehran’s military capabilities, and while it has not confirmed whether the Fattah missile is nuclear-capable, its history with a controversial nuclear program has heightened apprehensions regarding its intentions.

Furthermore, Iran doesn’t exactly have a clean track record when it comes to deploying its lethal weapons in regional conflicts and engaging in proxy warfare. The country has long earned a reputation for actively providing military support to various non-state actors and insurgent groups across the Middle East, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and militias in Iraq and Syria. Its willingness to employ its weapons in these conflicts has heightened regional tensions and raised the alarm among neighboring countries and international actors. Despite sanctions, Iran reportedly supplied armed kamikaze drones to Russia, further bolstering Moscow’s capabilities in its ongoing invasion campaign in Ukraine.

With claims of finally having its own hypersonic missiles, should the West be more concerned about this? Probably so.