The Russian Army is a Uniformed Rabble, Not A Professional Army

In November of 2001, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov announced plans for long-overdue reforms to the Russian Army.  The new army would be a scaled-down and and more professional army of armored forces who would be paid well, equipped well, and trained well.  This was supposed to all happen by 2010, which is bullet quick by Russian bureaucratic standards.  They were also going to abolish conscription beginning in 2004.  Nearly a year and a half later in March of 2002, the transformation of the new Russian army would begin with a Paratrooper division which is generally thought to be among the Russian army’s best troops.

The Russian military experts opined in the media that there was much to fear in this Russian army of the future.

Twenty years later and an invasion of Ukraine makes it’s patently obvious that all of that media hype was complete bull s***.  The Russian army of 2022 is still the Russian army of 2001. And that army is still the army of the Soviet Union in the 90s, badly trained and equipped and led by incompetent leaders when they are led at all.  It is not a modern professional army that in any way could be called a “peer” of the US, it is a rabble driven like cattle into draft inductions centers and put in ill fiting uniforms.

Failing At Everything a Professional, Modern Army is Supposed to be Good At

First, we watched the Russian army throw sound military doctrine out the window and invade Ukraine in the wrong season of the year, with the wrong kind of army and with too few troops.

Then we witnessed the total failure of the Russian army to conduct a Combined Arms Operation with the correct combination of infantry, armor, offensive and defensive fires, engineers, aviation, and joint capabilities like Special Operations Forces and naval assets.  Within a week their offensive was grinding to a halt in deep mud and choked roads blocked now with blown-up tanks, trucks and APCs.

Then we watched the Russian army totally fail in the art of logistics and supply, with troops being given expired rations, running out of fuel and even water while suffering casualties from frostbite and hypothermia. Immobilized now by their own incompetence they were incessantly bombed by drones both day and night while their own air force was no where to be seen.

Then, we saw this rabble routing(Don’t believe the nonsense about an orderly retreat) and leaving behind tanks, APCs, trucks, personal weapons and even discarding their uniforms in favor of civilian clothes.

Finally, we are beginning to see the last failure of this mob the Russians tried to pass off as a modern army in the towns and villages retaken by Ukrainian forces and finding hundreds of civilians executed and either left in the streets to rot or dumped in mass graves.