Since the late 1970s, two men have emerged as the most powerful and most dangerous drug lords in the world.

Pablo Escobar, a farmer’s son from rural Colombia, and Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, a product of Mexico’s rugged Sierra Madre mountains, delivered immeasurable amounts of cocaine and other drugs throughout the world during their respective reigns — Escobar’s came to an end on a dingy Medellin rooftop in late 1993, and Guzmán’s appears to be over after his extradition to the US in January.

During their respective climbs to the top of the narco food chain, they amassed obscene amounts of wealth — and exposed the world to unimaginable levels of terror.

While a direct comparison of Escobar’s Medellín cartel and Guzmán’s Sinaloa Federation is difficult — they’ve dealt with different products, competition, and markets — looking at the groups’ leaders side by side gives some idea of their power and influence.

BI_Graphics_el patron vs el chapoSamantha Lee/Business Insider



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