Private Chelsea Manning will remain on active duty in the military, to include receiving health care benefits, after being released from prison on Wednesday, the Army told USA Today.

Private Manning will not receive active duty pay, but will have access to full military health care and other benefits afforded to active duty soldiers.

“Pvt. Manning is statutorily entitled to medical care while on excess leave in an active duty status, pending final appellate review,” said Dave Foster, an Army spokesman. Manning has appealed her court-martial conviction, and during that appeals process must remain a member of the armed forces.

Private Manning gained international notoriety first as a whistle-blower in 2010 after leaking thousands of classified secrets to Julian Assange’s “Wikileaks” an organization which was recently described by CIA Director Mike Pompeo as a “hostile foreign intelligence service.”

Manning was arrested, and during the subsequent legal proceedings has spent seven years in a military prison. In his finals days in office, President Obama commuted the remaining years of her 35-year sentence, stating she had served a rough prison term already. Obama’s commutation does not reverse a conviction, as would be the case in a full presidential pardon.

Shortly after Private Manning’s conviction in 2013, Manning, who had been living as a man up to that point, announced she was beginning a gender transition to female. After initially refusing, the Army agreed to provide hormone treatment as part of Manning’s transition. However, the military did not move Manning to a female prison or permit her to officially change her name.

Manning’s decision to begin gender transition while in prison led many to believe the social politics of transgender rights heavily influenced President Obama’s decision to commute her sentence, something that would not have occurred if Manning had continued living as a man.

Private Manning’s latest statement, released by the American Civil Liberties Union last week, is as follows: