Hundreds of disabled Israeli veterans and their caregivers protested in the streets of Tel Aviv on Sunday. They called for the end of the Defense Ministry’s “abandonment of the IDF’s handicapped.”

Last week disabled IDF veteran Itzik Saidian set himself on fire at an office of the Defense Ministry’s Rehabilitation Division triggering the protests.

The protests blocked the intersection of Kaplan Street next to Azrieli Center and one side of the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv.

Idan Kleiman, chairman of the IDF Disabled Veterans Organization, said that “the Defense Ministry’s Disability Rehabilitation Division is in a state of total disarray, both in terms of its functionality and values.” Furthermore, he slammed its “scandalous treatment” of handicapped veterans.

“It is time for a deep revolution and comprehensive reform,” he added in an interview with the Haaretz media service.

Many of the disabled Israeli veterans claim that their care is poor, substandard, and infringes on their basic rights.,1246,x24,y0&height=826&width=1420
Israelis block the highway in Tel Aviv to protest care for veterans. (Haaretz photo)

Dr. Moti Harats, an expert in the national burn unit, said that Saidian underwent a three-hour surgery on Sunday at the Sheba Medical Center. He is still in critical condition, intubated and sedated, and doctors are fighting to save his life. 

Saidian, a 26-year-old veteran of the Golani Brigade, was diagnosed with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after seeing combat in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge in 2014