In the light of recent terror attacks in the UK, the government have come up with a campaign, that has the backing of some big names but is it really what you should do. The chances of becoming involved in a terror attack have greatly increased in the last year. Homegrown terror suspects have risen and online grooming and radicalizing have become commonplace. The ranting and teaching of hate has been taken from the backrooms of mosques overseas and delivered into individuals’ bedrooms right here in the western world. Prisons are rife with young men queuing up to become the next jihadis.

The portrayers of this hideous nonsense remain aloof to the judicial system and hiding behind their computer screens peddling their menace. And although the government has a good idea who many of them are, and the evidence to back their suspicions, the frontline security services have their hands tied with red tape and an unwillingness to change caused by political parties only interested in the number of votes they can attain.

The only advice on offer for anyone caught up in an attack terror related or otherwise is “Run Hide Tell.” A quick and simple, easy-to-remember solution to all your problems. A pat on the back for whoever cooked up the scheme and put everyone’s minds at ease. Follow the instructions being bellowed out by Bear Grylls and some other random so-called celebrities who have never experienced any combat between them and you’ll live to fight another day. That’s the theory anyway. I’ve analyzed some of the recent attacks and although I’m not completely opposed to what is being said in as far as at least you are being encouraged to do something. I find the whole thing left wanting and even becoming the route cause of most of the casualties in quite a few instances.

What I aim to do with this article is break down the three elements and pit them against two different scenarios. Once we have established where the problem areas are, we can readjust and improve on the current advice. Basically it’s a guide from an operator and not some Whitehall internet warrior.


RHT vs Suicide Bomb

Actually getting out of an area which has been bombed is a great shout. But running when a bomb has already detonated causes panic. In the Manchester bombing although their were severe casualties in the immediate blast, further casualties were caused in the panic and rush to get away. Also, people need to identify exactly which area the bomb has come from or they will run into the scene. There may well be a secondary attack, so once clear of the initial incident it’s prudent to get well away from any other congregations of people who may well be just lining up to get whacked again. Hiding in the immediate vicinity gives you a good chance of becoming embroiled in a secondary incident. You need to ensure you are well out of the way and with a suicide bomb in particular, once its gone bang the threat often resolves with the coward who sets it off. Once it’s safe do the right thing. Hanging about to film stuff is not the right thing.

RHT vs Active Shooter