Well, here we are. Ted Cruz is out. John Kasich is out. The last electoral hurdles standing before Donald J. Trump have fallen. It is now certain that Mr. Trump will be the Republican nominee for the presidency of the United States. It has been a long and torturous process, full of angst and in-fighting within the Republican-party ranks. Name-calling, wild accusations, and hyperbolic vitriol have been the currency of the realm, much to the chagrin of many of the moderate persuasion.

The Republican Party seems to be in a shambles. Some—Newt Gingrich, Joe Scarborough, Sean Hannity, Fox News Channel, and others—appear to be arrayed on the side of Trump. More will follow now that he is certain to be the nominee. Others—George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Stuart Stevens, John Podhoretz, Ben Sasse, and more—stand firmly within the “Never Trump” ranks. A standoff looks likely. This author would be surprised if the party reaches real unity before November’s election.

That said, what the hell do I know? I predicted Trump would never be the GOP nominee. I take scant comfort in finding myself within the ranks of the many commentators who have been wrong this election year.

This author is acutely aware that many of you SOFREP readers do not want us—the writers—to delve into politics. I get that. You do not come here for politics. That is understandable. However, we do have strong opinions about the candidates, and we also care deeply about policy. We especially care about foreign and military policy, and you all do come here for that, I hope. So, policy is where we shall go today. There will be no personal attacks, nor snide remarks. Go to my Twitter feed for those.

Before we start, though, it must be stated that this article is in no way a judgment of Trump’s supporters. I respect everyone’s right to choose who they want to be their candidate. I have friends and family who voted for Trump in the primaries, and who will vote for Trump in the general election. I am not here to insult them. Rather, I am here only to critique the policy proposals of the Republican nominee. A critique of the Democratic nominee’s foreign-policy proposals is likely not far behind.

Now, after all that preamble, let us examine the policy proposals of the presumptive Republican nominee. I will be drawing almost exclusively from Donald Trump’s own stated foreign policy, as found here, in his only major speech on the topic. I have also looked at various of his other speeches—in which he has addressed foreign policy and military issues—as source material.

The text of Mr. Trump’s major foreign-policy speech is, at certain points, contradictory and confusing. He ridicules the Iran deal while claiming that he in fact does want old enemies to become friends. He advocates promoting Western values throughout the world while criticizing attempts to establish Western-style democracies in other parts of the world. He wants America to act only in her own interests (“America first”), while also saying that the United States must “continually play the role of peacemaker.”

Mr. Trump also states that “our resources are overextended,” but then commits us to “always help to save lives and, indeed, humanity itself.” That seems far from restrained, nor an effective means of husbanding our resources. He says our friends must know that we will stick by the agreements we have made, but he then threatens to tear up NAFTA and unilaterally call for the restructuring of NATO. One cannot be blamed for experiencing confusion over what Mr. Trump truly intends as his foreign policy. The following, though, are the specific points he addresses in his foreign policy speech, to help us clarify.