Hey everybody, here’s a post that’s getting ready to publish on…well, I’ll tell you about that a little later…

– Charlie

Contrary to popular belief, SOF and regular military that fight overseas are not ‘capping’ bad guys with their 9mm handguns or gutting terrorists with their pig-stickers. Games like Call of Duty (COD) give the public the wrong impression about the uses of pistols and knives by SOF and regular military forces.

These games are breeding an entire generation of fat and lazy kids who want to join the military because they think it would be cool to shoot terrorist in the face while dual wielding MP5s. Sorry boys, but having highly dexterous thumbs isn’t going to keep America any safer.

As a sniper I carried a handgun as a backup and for use when negotiating obstacles. It isn’t very functional to climb the side of a building or ladder while trying to maintain hold of a sniper rifle. I would sling my rifle and climb with a handgun because it was much quieter and gave me more options if I needed to bail and find cover. If the climbing got dicey enough, I would holster my sidearm and get security or coverage from one of my teammates.

As snipers, we would spend a considerable amount of time performing transitions from rifle to pistol. Many refer to this type of training as low-frequency, high-risk. The type of situation that you would need to transition from your rifle to pistol and engage someone with a pistol is very rare, but when necessary, the speed and accuracy of transition is vital to the safety of the men around you, yourself, and the mission success.

A friend of mine, a fellow sniper, was always getting harassed by the rest of the guys in the sniper section because he wasn’t ‘the best’ at shooting the standard issue Berretta 9mm. The name TwoGun came about by another one of our snipers, Donny. Donny used to say that our pistol-challenged friend would probably need two pistols to actually hit anything.

Many years ago, Donny and TwoGun were on a capture/kill mission of an HVT in Fallujah, Iraq. Their job was to cover the assaulting platoon of Rangers. Due to the nature of the buildings where the target house was located, they had to use their ladder to span a courtyard to gain access to the rooftops of the neighborhood.