North Korea is at it again with its live-fire testing provocations, this time with another suspected intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that landed just a hundred miles off Japan on Friday, November 18.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff told reporters that “the ICBM was launched around 10:15 AM local time from the Sunan area” of Pyongyang “and flew about 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) east” at a projected maximum speed of Mach 22.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida then said, in a separate statement, that while the ballistic missile did not fly over the country, it most probably had fallen within Japan’s exclusive economic zone, about 210 kilometers (130 miles) west of Oshima-Oshima Island in Hokkaido—an eerily “sufficient range that could reach the mainland” of America. Boasting that Pyongyang could, if need be, launch an attack and reach cities in the US. Fortunately, no damages were reported due to the latest firing, but Kishida reiterated that the North’s repeated missile launches are and will not be tolerated.

By now, North Korea is just pushing the international community further on edge, waiting to see how far it could stretch before finally bursting everyone’s bubble of patience. According to Reuters, Friday’s launch comes a day after Pyongyang launched smaller missiles as a warning of “fiercer military responses” to the increasing presence of the US in the region. Meanwhile, South Korean and Japanese officials, as well as the US, have again stressed their condemnation of these provocations from North Korea, with each underlining how Pyongyang is “trying to disrupt international cooperation.”

“Pyongyang is trying to disrupt international cooperation against it by escalating military tensions and suggesting it has the capability of holding American cities at risk of nuclear attack,” said Leif-Eric Easley, a professor at Ewha University in Seoul.