Power to the huge U.S. airbase at Incirlik in southeastern Turkey was cut off Saturday and flight operations against ISIS were shut down in the aftermath of the failed military coup.

The U.S. military was still seeking a full accounting of all personnel and dependents in Turkey, Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said in a statement.

“All indications at this time are that everyone is safe and secure,” he said. “We will continue to take the necessary steps to ensure the safety and security of our service members, our civilians, their families and our facilities.”

Cook said the Turkish government “has closed its airspace to military aircraft and, as a result, air operations at Incirlik Air Base have been halted at this time.”

There was no indication when flights against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, would resume.

Cook said U.S. Central Command was making adjustments with aircraft operating out of other regional bases “to minimize any effects on the campaign.”

In addition, commercial power to the base where about 2,000 mostly Air Force personnel are stationed was cut off but the base was able to function on internal power, he said.

The statement contrasted with the initial reports from defense officials Friday night as the coup was underway. At the time they said Incirlik was not affected and flight operations were continuing.